Cut Print Costs!

7 Practical Strategies to Cut Print Costs! 


We know that  cost-effectiveness and sustainability are paramount, and finding ways to reduce print spending is a smart and eco-friendly move.

Here are seven simple yet effective strategies to help your business or organisation cut down on printing costs and promote a greener workplace.

  • Embrace Duplex Printing for Double the Savings! - One of the easiest ways to cut down on paper usage and costs is by leveraging duplex printing. By defaulting to double-sided printing, you significantly reduce the amount of paper required for each document. Not only does this save money on paper expenses, but it also aligns with sustainable practices by minimising environmental impact.

  • Fine-Tune Default Printer Settings - Take control of your default printer settings to optimise for cost savings. Adjust settings to default to black and white printing and draft quality. Black and white printing typically uses less ink, while draft quality is often sufficient for internal documents, saving on both ink and time. By making these adjustments, you ensure that every print job is as cost-effective as possible.

  • Power of Print Preview - Avoid unnecessary prints and potential formatting mishaps by making use of the print preview feature. This allows you to review a document before sending it to the printer, helping you catch errors and ensure the content is correctly formatted. By reducing the number of reprints due to mistakes, you not only save on paper and ink but also minimise the frustration associated with wasted resources.

  • Choose Fonts Wisely for Ink Efficiency - Believe it or not, your font choice can impact your printing costs. Opt for eco-friendly fonts that use less ink. Clear, sans-serif fonts like Arial and Calibri are generally more ink-efficient compared to bold or intricate fonts. Making this simple adjustment can contribute to prolonged ink cartridge life and additional savings over time.

  • Print in Batches to Reduce Energy Consumption - Consolidate print jobs whenever possible to minimise the number of times your printer needs to warm up. This not only saves energy but also extends the lifespan of your printer. By batching print jobs, you maximise the efficiency of each printing session, contributing to both cost savings and a smaller environmental footprint.

  • Implement Thoughtful Print Policies- Establishing clear print policies within your organisation can encourage employees to be mindful of their printing habits. Educate them on the cost implications and environmental impact of excessive printing. Implementing rules such as only printing when absolutely necessary and avoiding personal print jobs can make a significant difference in overall print spending.

  • Embrace the Paperless Revolution- Perhaps the most impactful strategy for reducing print spending is embracing a paperless approach. Encourage electronic communication, document sharing, and digital collaboration tools. By shifting towards a paperless workflow, you not only save on printing costs but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly workplace.

In conclusion, implementing these seven strategies can lead to substantial savings in print spending while promoting a more eco-conscious workplace. By adopting cost-effective printing practices and encouraging a shift towards digital alternatives, your organisation can thrive in a more sustainable and financially efficient manner.

 Our bespoke managed print solutions are specifically designed to give our customers control over how, when, where and by whom their office printing equipment is used, through rules-based printing which enforces mono and / or duplex print for certain users, departments or document types. 

 For a free assessment and comparison quote click here to contact our print team. 

 Once we have an understanding of what your current utilisation of print is we can work with you to see if a print management contract is suitable for your application. 

 The service includes a price per print for colour & mono, all support and hardware warranty cover providing peace of mind and cost savings at the same time.


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